Duration: 2 Days
Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Quotient or EQ) is the ability to use emotions effectively and it’s the foundation for high-performing talents in every organization. More than ever, organizations need talents who are able to navigate through different emotions and being aware that emotion is manageable to ensure the optimization of productivity created by positive emotions. Organizations also need leaders who restore trust, hope, ethics, and direction: leaders who know how to engage their people. Gain an introduction to emotional intelligence, the key competencies of EQ, ways of identifying the impact of EQ in your workplace, tools for self-management, and for improving the quality of relationships, accountability and customer retention.
At the program's conclusion, participants should be able to:
- Learn EQ principles, idea and technics to maximize personal capacities and that of others..
- Create self-awareness on how emotions plays their roles and significance in everyday life
- Learn how EQ can be applied powerfully in personal effectiveness, communication, change, coaching & mentoring and influence.
- Know the importance of aligning purpose, values, belief, thoughts, feelings and actions
- Building the ability to manage feelings, control impulses and handle stress more effectively
- Program Context Setting (W.H.O)
- Working Agreements – Ways to create Values & Avoid
- Icebreakers
- The Why Factor
- What is EQ?
- History of EQ
- Attitude Check – Responsible vs Victims
- KCG Model - Introduction
- Emotion Cycle
- 6 Human Core Needs Test
- Liberating Wall Of Q
- EQ vital signs
- Challenges We Face (Life & Work)
- DiSC as EQ tool
- The 12 Competencies
- Trust @workplace
- Trust Challenge - Colourblind
- Bridging the Trust Gap
- Motivation @workplace
- VEC process
- WWWHW goal Setting
- Commitment + Action = Result
- Consideration in Life
- Results as Feedbacks
- The Progression Matrix
- Moving Forward
- The Support Forum
Inquiry - EQ@Workplace