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Discover the power of LEGO Serious Play, a gamification-based methodology that revolutionizes meetings and problem-solving.

With LEGO Serious Play, every participant becomes an active contributor, eliminating the 'lonely guy' syndrome prevalent in conventional meetings.

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Negotiating With Sharks Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction In today's challenging business environment where everyone takes position, how do you negotiate to get what you want without giving too much of what you have?

Everyone negotiates on a daily basis; childrena and parents, job seekers and managers, customers and sellers, business owners and

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Understanding And Managing Performance Appraisals Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction The current market conditions in the business world are highly competitive and managers are to be highly skilled at conducting appraisals on their team members. To make these reviews successful lies upon the skill of managers to navigate the ins and outs of the appraisdal system.

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Intensified Conversational Bahasa Melayu Program Course Duration - 5 Sessions of 90 Minutes / Session Introduction Conversing in basic BM at the workplace is a critical component for most companies today especially during operational processes.

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Dynamic Top Team Integration Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction Nothing can destroy productivity faster than conflict in the workplace. Whteher it is subtle, just beneath the surface or becomes emotional encounters, conflict can paralyze your group, department, or the entire organization.

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Fostering Employee Engagement Course Duration: 1 Day Key Outcomes By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Value employee engagement
  • Establish the 12 essentials of employee engagement
  • Apply the 12 essentials of employee engagement
Key Contents
  • The Definition of Employee

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Art of Relationship Building Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction If you have ever had a miscommunication in the workplace or in relationships, either verbal or digital, then you know that words and actions mean different things to different people. Everyday those differences in communicaton cost your business or organization a lot in terms of time, energy and money.

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Facilitation Essentials Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction Facililators today are struggling to maintain their enthusiasm and motivation, and our learners are increasingly cynical about the whole process, Both groups are also weighed down by decades of boring, uninspiring training content that does not get any more interesting when you place it online.

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Master of Negotiation & Influencing Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction Most people assume that negotiation skills are only for sales experts or a real estate agent. However, negotiation is one of the most crucial skills anyone can learn and if you are able to master it, you can be assured of greater success in every aspect of your work and life.

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Managing And Leading The New Millennials Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction

This program enables the participants to engage with the Gen Y and Gen Z employees effectively, by setting a better understanding on why they communicate the way they do.

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Effective Communiation Skills Via NLP Techniques Course Duration: 1 Day Introduction

This program is dedicated to raise the level of preparedness for our generations to face the outside world and what is needed to curb with the ever-challenging situations that the world offers.

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Getting To Yes! The Art Of Negotiation & Influencing Skills Course Duration: 2 Days

This skills is a highly practical and interactive course, designed to develop and enhance your skills so that you can influence and negotiate upwards or sideways within your organization, or with external clients and supplier.

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Impactful Communication Workshop Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction Some people seem to be able to say the right thing no matter what the situation is. Their ability to navigate through tense discussions opens doors in the business world that may have otherwise closed.

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High Impact Negotiation Skills Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction

This intensive, hands-on activity driven program teaches skills that boost better results through increased understanding and effective implemntation of the negotiation process.

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Enhancing Communication & Interpersonal Skills At Work Course Duration: 2 Days Course Objectives

Upon completion of this program, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe the importance of effective communication to enhance supervisory effectiveness at the workplace
  • Demonstrate effective intra and interpersonal communication

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Effective Conflict Management Skills Course Druation: 2 Days

This program teaches skills that focus on dealing with difficult conversations from colleagues and customers alike. You will have the ability to create the greatest positive impact at every given opportunity when facing difficult or challenging conversations every time.

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Effective Communication Towards Efficient Problem Solving & Decision Making Course Duration: 1 Day

If you are in a position where people are relying ever more heavily on your ability to articulate your ideas, marshal your resources and achieve your joint objectives, then effective communication is crucial.

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Communicate Effectively, Listen, Learn & Build Loyal Customer Relationships Course Duration: 2 Days

This training is designed for support professionals who want to develop and improve the vital skills needed to deliver excellent customer support.

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Duration: 2 Days

Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Quotient or EQ) is the ability to use emotions effectively and it’s the foundation for high-performing talents in every organization.

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EQ For Leader At Workplace Course Duration: 2 Days Course Objectives Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Learn EQ principles, ideas and techniques to maximize personal capacity and that of others
  • Understand EQ as a tool to use as a leader
  • Learn how EQ can be applied powerfully in personal effectiveness,

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Dealing with Difficult and Unhappy Customers Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction

Dealing with difficult and unhappy customers are always challenging but with the right tools and tips, you can turn that stormy relationship into one of a lifeling partnership. A satisfied customer is the best salesperson.

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The Magic Moment in Customer Service Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction

This 2 day workshop is designed to sharpen participants' skills and ability to provide excellent customer service as this would ensure competitiveness of them to compete in a world where technology and economy are constatnly changing.

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Winning Business Relationships Where It Matters Course Duration: 1 Day Introduction

This unqiue program teaches skills that boost personal productivity and relationship building through increased understanding and effective implementation of the business communication process.

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Making Communications Work For You Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction

This program is designed to improve the participants' interpersonal communication skills and develop new skills to become a more effective communicator. Interpersonal communication applies to all our relationships - both personally and professionally.

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Dynamic Communication Workshop Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction

This program is designed to create the awareness, groom and train the participants to communicate better and most importantly, effective.

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Be Effective Leaders! - A Leadership Program for Supervisors of the 21st Century Course Duration: 2 Days
Introduction This program is designed to groom the supervisors to be the superstar of operations and also able to raise their leadership qualities, team effectiveness and also productivity through management skills, motivation and attitude drive.

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Be A Master Class Supervisor Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction

This program is design to provide the solutions and withdraw the commitment from the supervisors to step forward and become the master class supervisor.

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The Art of Supervisory Skills Workshop Course Duration: 2 Days Course Objectives Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Improve their knowledge on the skills needed for a supervisor
  • The attitude and the behavior patterns needed to be effective
  • Work on improving the relations with the staff through EQ

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Transformational Leadership & People Development Course Duration: 2 Days Course Objectives

Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Get noticed by learning how to think, feel, act and communicate like a leader
  • Becoming competent to build team, coach and effective communicator
  • Enhancing

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Leadership Enhancement in Communication & Managing People Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction

Communication is the most important skills at workplace but it's often one of the skills lacking in people. In today's working environment, it is a challenge for all generations to communicate effectively.

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