Essential Skills For Effective Store Supervisors


Essential Skills For Effective Store Supervisors

Essential Skills For Effective Store Supervisors

Course Duration: 2 Days

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this program, the participants will be able to:
  • Analyze the role and responsibilities of supervisory in business context.
  • Describe the major competences structure to supervision
  • Distinguish 7 leadership skills that make-or-break supervisory ability and capability.
  • Identify the primary components to attain successful leadership skill in supervisory.

Key Contents

Introduction: Acknowledging Supervision Role In Organization

  • Discover the importance of supervision in 21st century business and performance
    • Acceptance, Adaptation & Anticipation
  • The qualities of supervision in 21st century
    • Being a leader, motivator and creative problem solver
  • Gaining credibility by motivate self to lead by example
    • Being role model to lead the path

Module 1: Communication Management

  • 7C's in communication management
    • Clarity - clear purpose
    • Concise - accuracy (focus to the pint)
    • Concrete - specific (facts and figures)
    • Correct - level of language and jargon
    • Coherent - systematic flow
    • Complete - call to action (action to be taken with 5W1H)
    • Courteous - diplomatic
  • Characteristic of a good communicator including practicing effective listening and questioning skills

Module 2: Management Skill

  • Planning
    • Aware and know what is the goals and the objectives (purpose)
    • Identify surbodinate SWOT and delegate who and what to be done in how much time
  • Organizing
    • Develop structural steps to take as per the people, process and products needs
    • Clarifying jobs in meeting or discussion, and effectively deploying resources accordingly
    • Assemble and integrates all element in workplace to come together to achieve goals
    • Staffing
    • Right people for the right job - get involved in staff development
    • Succession planning and talent management - identify potentially of the surbodinates
  • Leading
    • Inspire team to contribute towards achieving results thru influencing and persuasion
    • Create effective team thru 'rewards and punishment' system
  • Controlling
    • Evaluate results, standards, measurement and revised decision
    • Conduct research and development to have continuous improvement system

Module 3: Conflict Resolution Skill

  • Creative problem-solving - FISACI method (Focus, Identify, Solution, Advantage, Consequences & Intuition)
  • Prompt reaction - CEDDA steps (Clarify, Establish, Discussion, Determine & Agreement)

Module 4: Employee Performance Management

  • Measurement of individual knowledge and skills, and capabilities a.k.a abilities
    • Identify the performance gap - either it can be managed by training or non-training
    • Identify the roadblock by using Gilbert 6 Boxes
  • Monitor and manage performance
    • Star performer
      • Empowerment such as planning on how work to be carried out
      • Allows them to be creative as long within the SOP range
      • Peer instead of surbodinates
    • New recruit
      • Ensuring the orientation program is in place
      • Be firm and friendly in providing SOP and facts of their work
      • Go easy on praise when they do it right, which will encourage enthusiasm and sense of achievement
    • Reluctant performer
      • Drill into the reason of dissatisfaction
      • Encourage discussion and ask for opinion/solution
      • Explain the consequences of poor results
      • Unproductive
      • Critical handling of list work and to monitor regularly
      • Be firm on rewards and punishment
      • Follow up regularly and guide back to track if necessary

Module 5: Feedback Management

  • Purpose of feedback is to correct and it is not punishment
  • Managing emotion prior to feedback session whch will also reduce conflict
  • Location and time planning to ensure effective feedback session
  • Clear and concise 2-way communication method applied in feedback session
    • Explain with facts and examples
    • Listen with the intend to find answer
    • Correcting assumption with specific instruction
    • Look out for hesitancy

Module 6: Self-Management

  • Get to know ourselves by using E.D.N.A. Personality tools
  • Anticipate other's differences as well as ours and creates an opportunity to work together

 Inquiry - Essential Skills For Effective Store Supervisors