Communication & Relationship Using D.I.S.C.
Communication & Relationship Using DISC
Course Duration: 1 DayIntroduction
This unique program teaches skills that boost personal productivity and relationship building through increased understanding and effecitve implementation of DISC tools and effective communication process. By providing you a rigorouse training environment, you will have the ability to create the greatest positive impact when you are communicating at every given opportunity.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Build relationship effectively
- Develop the power of perspective
- Improve your personal style of communicating
- Resolve conflicts professionally
- Understand and employ the communication process effectively
Key Content
Module 1: Extraction - Self Awareness
- Type presentation: what are the distinctions that draw us together
- Pen potraits: how we think others see us
- Pen potraits: how we handle challenges
- Pen potraits: how we see ourselves
- World cafe: appreciating the diversity amongst us
Module 2: Transfer - Application
- Applying DISC in communication, negotiation and relationship
- What others say and do and what is important to them
- What we do more of when interacting with others
- What we avoid doing when interacting with others
- Revealing our blind spots
Module 3: Personal and Team Development Action Plan
- What actions do we keep, stop and improve
- Speed feedback using BOOST +
Inquiry - Communication & Relationship Using D.I.S.C.