Brainsteering Your Game Plan: Strategizing a Game Plan Using Design Thinking Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction To win anything worthwhile, you need a strategic game plan. Professional sports teams know this, and this idea applies to an organization, a department, a team - and even to an individual.
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Design Thinking Mindset Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction Innovate or die! That is the mantra of many fast moving and successful companies, especially in this world of high-speed interconnectivity. The question organizations face to stay relevant in today's environment is how to establish a culture of innovation and creative problem solving.
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Communication In Fostering Team Dynamics
Course Duration: 2 Days
If you have ever a miscommunication in the new millennium, either verbal or digital, then you know that words and actions mean different things to different people. Everyday those differences in communication cost your business or organization a lot in terms of time, energy and money.
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Fast Track to Creativity: The Art of Creativity and Innovative Thinking Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction
Whether you're in advertising, high finance, technology, or any other field, every big idea that has ever helped your industry was the result of creative thinking. Every solution to every real problem has come from a new idea.
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Design thinking is a human centered approach to innovation that looks at innovation through the eyes of the people.
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